Above: Kristen Chenoweth and Sean Hayes
Well last nights Tony's were a mixed bag. Not nearly as good as the last couple of years. Sean Hayes did surprise me by doing a much better job than I would have thought. There were some high points (Christiane Noll from Ragtime) but many more down points (What was Catherine Zeta-Jones on....). You know I love me some Glee but Lea Michelle seemed a bit off to me. I must say I am not sure I like the fact that the show shoves movie and tv stars down our throats. This year in particular, even the winners were movie stars. Somehow you cannot help wondering if this is fair as Denzel, Zeta-Jones etc have much higher profiles. I did enjoy getting introduced to Eddie Redmayne (see more on Eddie below). This years Tony's gets a C-.
Below: Daniel Radcliffe