I got home from work last night and after doing all I need to do (phone calls, taking the dogs out, putting on the world cup, reading reports for work tomorrow), I sat down to figure out my blog posts for today.
I have been trying to balance my time working on posts as I have been trying to limit my time on the computer lately. Firstly I was actually leaving social engagements to get home to work on the blog. (boring ones yes, but still). Secondly. I decided about a year ago I was not going to waste my time posting on anything or anyone that I was not interested in. I think that is one of the things that sets FH a bit apart. I don't want to post on the same subjects that are on all the other blogs. If you see a model or a photographer or artist on FH it because I love and respect their work.
Tonight I broke my own rule. I was gathering some information on a certain unnamed model and felt myself going through the motions just to have a post. As I was googling the model I came upon the work of photographer Fabio xavier. The shot above by Fabio of model Reed Favero hit me like a ton of bricks (see more below). I LOVE this photo for so many reasons. It brought up more than a few emotions in me. I instantly hit 'select all' and deleted all the shots of the model and began to hunt down more of Fabio's work.
Now that the summer is here, I promise to still keep the posts coming! But as the heat and muggy weather has firmly set in I also plan to spend more time outside so you may see the number of posts decline until the coolness of the fall once again returns to my little corner of the world.
I have some great posts coming up over the next month or so, some are done, some I am still putting together.
Thanks to the unnamed model who took me to the work of Fabio xavier and took me back to remembering that this is not 'Just Hunks' It is a tribute to my favorite things.