Following up on my comments yesterday about Whitney Houston on Oprah, I must add a bit of an amendment. I am not sure what (if anything) was going on in Whitney's head during the second part of the interview, but she seemed to come to life a bit more than in the first installment. I just watched this morning while getting ready for work and there was a certain light and spark which I did not see in part one. Whitney seemed to tire of Oprah feeding her all the answers and spoke more for herself. Still somewhat deluded, I gained a bit of my respect back for her as she seemed to win part two of her tug of war with Oprah about who was in charge of the interview. In part one, I thought Oprah was merely using Whitney as a vehicle to talk about herself. In part two, Whitney took the attention back.
Although I fear Whitney's battles with abuse and Bobby Brown are not as finished as she may like to think, I must admit it was emotional to see her on that stage singing again. No, not the powerhouse we are used to, but at the same time there were nuances to that amazing voice that were still able to shine through. The song contained such manipulative lyrics, yet...even a skeptic like myself was sucked right in. I would have enjoyed the moment more fully if the show had not kept switching to shots of Oprah crying and singing along. Their mutual prayers were a bit much but it was nice to see Whitney shine, something Oprah did not allow her to do in the first part of the interview.