Those who read FH on a regular basis no I have a love/hate thing going with Oprah. I can clearly see the good she has done and continues to do. I also feel there is an arrogance (far beyond confidence) that often comes through in not just her attitude but in the various projects she does.
What Oprah has not seemed to learn is over exposure is not her friend. I believe it is why some her acting projects (post Color Purple) failed. Oprah seemed to think her fans would follow her anywhere, even to the bad projects. Oprah may have helped Obama get in office but she cannot get a big audience to a John Travolta film, no matter how hard she pushes...
Most of the people Oprah has introduced the world to; Dr Oz, Nate Berkus, Dr Phil all began as likable and interesting personalities. But...like many things Oprah insists on pushing them down our throats and usually we end up turning on them. Dr. Phil was ok in small doses but as a daily fixture he has become no better than Jerry Springer. Suze Orman has taken 'loving oneself' to a nauseating and annoying level. Nate, once so sweet is beginning to show the tell tale signs of being....well 'Oprahdized'. Run Dr. Phil....and run fast. Don't let yourself, like Dr. Phil and Suze be OWNED.