There are many things in this world that continue to live on even when the need, the reason for their existence is no longer really present. Landfills all over the globe are filled with Walkmans and VCR's. Video games kids longed for just a few years ago now can't be given away.
On the human front, it is rare these days to encounter an encyclopedia or vacuum cleaner salesman. Even Tupperware ladies are disappearing. One of the most iconic symbols of the US, the Cowboy is also close to joining the ranks of milkman, typist and Gas Station attendant. Cowboys are hang on hard though, especially in Texas and surrounding areas. Even though the actual role and reason for a cowboy to exist has been taken over by metal and machines, the cowboy refuses to go away completely.
It might be because 'cowboy' is as much about a mind set as an actual way of making a living. Many people in the South in particular wear three piece suits Monday through Friday yet put on their stetsons on the weekend and head to not just to a bar but to a time when Dallas was the only show to watch and Urban Cowboy was the movie that finally told their story.
Holding on to something that is already past it's expiry date is something Steven Jutzi is all too familiar with. After spending much of last year falling from someone who he couldn't have, Steve found himself in a place where his love was no longer current or welcomed. This led to him taking steps and making changes. Embracing change is not something everyone can do easily. Steven ended up becoming someone very different than the man who had begun the journey. Through the process, Steven may have become broken but, like the cowboy, with a little reinvention they just might be pulled forward into the present.
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