Really American Idol. How bad do you want things to get. Randy is pretty much useless, Ellen is a bit of a disappointment, Simon is leaving and Kara is turning crazier than even Paula (but not in Paula's fun way). Add to that a group of singers this year, although talented, that has failed to spark the excitement of the viewers.
And if my respect for the show could not get any lower, you have Miley Cyrus as a mentor. Really, of all the stupid moves, this is the dumbest. Yeah I know she has a fan base. Yeah I know she has a movie to promote (Fox related maybe...). but a mentor. Crystal Bowersox must have let out a big groan. (I could not bare to have searched or posted Miley pics on the blog, so you will have to suffer through a couple of Tim Urban.)
I know I am not alone in this, and the wonderful Annie Barrett from Entertainment Weekly summoned up what I am sure most of us are thinking.
'During a routine scrape, American Idol producers found Miley Cyrus at the bottom of a barrel next to some Hannah Montana doll hair and decided to make her a guest mentor on tomorrow night’s show. Cyrus will bestow unto the Top 11 contestants bits of wisdom such as “Wear boots” and “Sound like a chain smoker,” and then she’ll perform her hit “When I Look At You” on Wednesday’s results show, according to a press release from Fox.'
I thank God again for the invention of the DVR. This two hour extravaganza should take me about 11 minutes to watch.