I am sure many of you recognize the amazing face, not to mention amazing body of one of televisions sexiest correspondents,Itay Hod. Some of you might remember Itay for his work with CBS News on Logo including his Oscar Coverage. Though Logo is no more, Itay still does freelance work for CBS that has seen him interviewing among others; Madonna, and Annie Lennox, George Clooney and Meryl Streep.
I was just sent a great interview by Ross Forman for The Windy City Times. Please go to their site HERE for the entire interview. The interview ended with some 'favorite' questions, like the ones I love to use on the blog, I had to add those here. Lovin Itay!!!
More about Itay Hod...
—Hobbies: Hod watches movies and plays; works out; and reads. "I'm always reading two or three books at the same time," he said. "I try not to go into bookstores to much because every time I go in, I buy 10 or 15 [ more ] books."
—Little-known fact: Uses facial cream at night
—Status: Hod is single. "I haven't dated anyone since, oh, Bill and Hillary [ Clinton ] were having sex [ in the White House ] , and I'm not sure why that is," he said, laughing. "People often think that because you're on TV that it'd be easy getting dates. But actually, I find it just as hard as before I was on TV. [ Being on TV ] has done nothing for my dating life."
—On dating: "I'm not desperate. I will not date anyone until I know that it's the right thing. When they walk into a room and you skip a beat, that's when you know."
—Dream man: "My standards have gotten really low lately," he said, laughing. "I think, as long as they have a job … and they have to be able to make me laugh every once in a while and you have to be able to tell me a good story at the end of the day. Hey, if you work at McDonald's and have a great story every day, yes, I'll be open to dating you."
—Desirable traits: "I like them tall; that's my only real requirement. And I don't know why that is. They cannot be tall enough for me. There's something about tall people that I really find fascinating. Maybe it's because I'm not that tall and always wanted to be taller." Hod is 5'10."
—Favorite books: The Hours by Michael Cunningham and Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
—Favorite movies: Cinema Paradiso & The Bicycle Thief
—Favorite play: The Dollhouse
—Favorite actor: Ryan Gosling
—Favorite actress: It's Meryl Streep. "I got to interview her and that was the highlight of my life," he said. "It was one of those moments where you're thinking, 'Wow, I must have done something right because I'm sitting here with Meryl Streep asking her questions. It was like have an audience with the Pope."
—Favorite newscasters: Brian Williams and Katie Couric
—Favorite sport: Basketball to watch, tennis to play
—Favorite team: New York Yankees
—Favorite athlete: It's Michael Phelps, by far, "for all the obvious reasons. … He activates my yummy."
All shots of Itay included by Chad Kawalec from CJK photography.