We live in a country where violence is often not only accepted but glorified. Our tv screens nightly are filled with rapes, murders and the easiest part to get on tv these days must be that of a coroner. Our top box office draws are usually action/violence filled and Rambo is a national hero. Yet...a little Janet Jackson nipple gets us all in a tizzy... Scary Shit that is to me...
I hate violence of any kind. I am one of those stupid people who tries to whisk flies and bees out the front door instead of killing them. Sorry Peta, but I swat mosquito's at will. I try to save the rodents my cat brings in (And if I don't my dogs will finish them off....)
That being said....
Violence comes in many forms, physical violence being just one of them.
I cannot think of anything more violent than:
-Yanking a frightened celebrity out of the closet (and anyone who has lived in the closet knows it can be a scary place).
-What is more violent that putting penis drawings around the faces of young teenage Female pop stars...
-Posting private pictures and humiliating a man who has done so much for the gay community, and who earlier this year touched so many lives.
-Posting vagina shots of any female star who is not as careful as she could be getting out of a car. (yeah yeah I know some may seek this attention, but many do not).
-Tearing down any celebrity going through a hard time.
Exploiting, hating, bitching, cutting down and basically terrorizing others with the swipe of a keyboard.
That to me is real violence.