Man what a disappointment Clay Aiken turned out to be!
I was one of the faithful who rooted for Clay during his time on American Idol. Voted like crazy and could not believe he came in second. It was easy to get over his loss as Clay became a success with hit cds, television appearances and the only idol that I know of to headline a network special (NBC's Clay Aiken Christmas special).
Since then I went from supporting Mr. Aiken to quite literally loathing him. It kind of started when I watched the AI tour special and saw clips of what a drama queen he could be, pulling diva rants when things did not go his way. I still bought everything he recorded, but with each rumor that came forth it was harder not to see this guy could be a nasty son of a bitch.
Maybe it is because he spent so many years pretending to be something he was not, not sure. But not since Clay Aiken was on the show has another Idol had so much speculation about their sexuality. Given this, you might have thought if anyone could identify with Adam Lambert it would be Aiken. But did he support, nah, Aiken did what he usually does, bitch, moan and be critical. His half assed apology to Lambert was pathetic and still full of digs. I am sure his 'people' pushed him to post it given all the attention his first blog post got.
Aiken cleary dislikes any Idols since his season, especially men, getting any attention but Aiken has in a few short years gone from break out star to someone who I am sure many want to distance themselves from and not work with.
If Aiken really wants any future in show buisness, he has but one choice, shut up and sing. Stop doing talk shows (Kelly Ripa would agree I am sure), stop blogging, stop doing tv of any kind for awhile. GO AWAY, work on a good album with good songs and come back in a year or so and simply sing. People fell in love with his voice and his music, Aiken seems to have forgotten this. Aiken's behavior of late has certainly not demonstrated the measure of a man.