I have always thought that Zac Efron was cute, but given I am in my 30's I also thought he was very young and never really gave him too much thought. He was a part of a group of young stars who annyed me more than anything else. I also have never seen a High School Musical movie which up until recently was his main claim to fame.
Well over the past few weeks I have seen Zac on countless tv talk shows, American Idol, The Oscars and Saturday Night Live. I am not a fan. He is looking a bit older which I like and so freakin adorable. He also impressed me on SNL and certainly stands out from the rest of the Tiger Beat crew. His current spread in GQ Magazine sealed the deal! I do think however Zac was wrong not to do 'Footloose'. It turned Kevin Bacon from an actor to a star and although I understand Zac wanting to move away from musicals, Footloose also has a story beyond the music and would have given him an opportunity to do some meaty scenes, keeping his current fans and gaining new older fans at the same time. 17 Again I do not think will do much for Zac, but Footloose might have.