'Sometimes it is difficult to find words to make a critique when we find ourselves attracted by some aspect of a performer’s act and disturbed by others, or when a performer shows more interest in promoting progressive social causes than is customary. We may see that performer as above critique. Or we may feel our critique will in no way intervene on the worship of them as a cultural icon. To say nothing, however, is to be complicit…'
Gays against Gaga
Not sure how I feel about this site GAG, but when someone posted the link on Facebook yesterday I was intrigued. I enjoy Gaga (don't LOVE her, do enjoy her and see her talent) but... there have been times the confusion in her message has bugged the shit out me (that meat dress and gay marriage link is still suspect...).
I felt the same way about Madonna, both she and Gaga are seen by many as CHAMPIONS of gay causes but don't you, just every once in awhile, question whether they and their marketing machine, saw us the best way to make tons of money (we due spend a lot and are very loyal!).
Don't throw rotten tomato's, I am still on the fence but, just because...it is interesting.