It was interesting yesterday to see how many people I know, friends and family in real life and online and facebook 'friends' were 'following' Charlie Sheen on twitter.
Now I don't want to be a hypocrite I watched a bit of him on the Today show. I watched until I got that sick little feeling I have gotten before that this whole sad mess is being exploited by the media to suck every bit of garbage out of the story. It is also pretty interesting that Sheen stars on the top rated comedy the #1network CBS and that it was ABC and NBC spending so much time covering it's rival stars problems.
The story is a train wreck and sadly, given Sheen's present mental health state seems destined to end in tragedy of some sort. The media, and every individual who chose to press 'follow' on Sheen's twitter page are now officially enabling a troubled man. Each and every 'follower' helps prove that Sheen's inflated view of his importance is warranted.
Thumbs down, way down to NBC and ABC, not for covering the story, it is news. Thumbs down for the amount and type of coverage they are giving the story. Hours of interviews, prime time specials, promoting the interviews endlessly.
Why is it we rush to watch others as they fall? Again, I see the interest, I watched for a bit but then...it all got a little too much for me. What Sheen really needs to get better is for us all to turn away. He is currently feeding off a new drug, our obsession with his public break down.